Friday, September 11, 2009

Thoughtty wotts. (HW 3)

In regards to digitalization, I'm sort of straddling the fence. I see how it is completely altering how we talk, how we see people, the way we interact. That being said, I also believe that there are both positives and negatives to that. One one hand, it sort of draws people closer, having them open up more often to their friends online, connecting. Unfortunately, this attitude changes in person, once you can see a person, have them react in real time to your words, have them feel the emotion more than any typing could do. Facebook helps to unite long lost friends, but also invites a certain amount of disconnect in person. It's always much easier to talk to a screen as opposed to a face.

I prefer texting (the computer tells me texting is technically not a word, and I was taken aback, before I realized how that was further proof of how digitalization is affecting us. OMG LOL) to phone calls. This, I imagine, is a result of impatience for patchy calls and strained hearing through crappy earpieces. Texting, while still not a real substitute for person-to-person talks, makes communications easier and at least slightly more fluid.

I want to reread some of my favorite books. First being A Clockwork Orange, hence the titley witle.

Update - I was just upstate this weekend, with no phone and no internet, no cable TV. I felt perfectly fine, maybe a little lighter, save for the anxiety of anticipating an email response from a couple of people that I wasn't able to get to until today. Turns out I missed a potential movie date with friends and a couple people needed to talk to me. I'm not sure how to feel about it. It's deeply personal and not something to blast on the internet, lest some unseemly types get to it.

I guess I'll just update these thughts as I go, putting in new things every once in a while. Yesterday were the MTV VMAs, or the Video Music Awards. The internet was buzzing with talk of the event, particularly when Kanye West disrespected Taylor Swift by leaping onstage in the middle of her acceptance speech and snatching the mic from her, announcing that Beyonce should have rightfully won the award and that her video was the best of all time. Kanye then left in a bit of a huff, as MTV scrambled to cut to a commercial. They did a recap of the show, demonstrating how the website Twitter had over 10,000 tweets about the VMAs, Kanye in particular, next being Taylor Swift.

Now, I certainly see the impact this has on our concept of digitalization, with millions of people able to share their opinions instantly over the internet to people who really don't care past sharing their own. The thing about the internet is that it gives you a voice, it makes you willing and able to share anything at any time, as you are essentially talking to a screen and not the real person. I could tell you right here and now that I love you, that I have always loved you, from the day we met, but it amounts to very little in this 12 point Times New Roman.

The very fact that we are doing this class on computers tells us how connected we are to the electronics we claim to use. Turns out, IT uses US. Okay, perhaps that's a bit of an exaggeraty wation, but regardless, the point is evident - we are leaning more and more into the digital void, and boy, it looks deep.

Hell, even our music is changing. It's all auto-tuning, so that artists no longer need to have any actual talent, a machine can make them sound nice. Disney is making that concept it's personal motto, making any young actress they hire an instant hit with their filtered, technological sound.


  1. HA! I said I would comment you and I am! I'm currently eating my Filipino food and enjoying this post a lot. no lie. XD

    you bring up a lot of good points that force me to think more about my own opinion. not necessarily change my opinions completely. but rather add on to it. I like the phrase "Digital void" I dunno it sorta adds to my trend persay-- "Digitally corrupted"

    I don't want that to become a trend though it makes me sound fake and stupid.

    but yeah, heres your comment I did this cause I wanted to not cause you threatened to slap me today O_O;;

    haha much love! <3

  2. Fun to read, i enjoyed it cause of it's voice/flavor and how cleverly things were said like "I could tell you right here and now that I love you, that I have always loved you, from the day we met, but it amounts to very little in this 12 point Times New Roman." Very true, there's a whole bunch of cool puns and clever thoughts throughout your post which made me feel kind of smart cause i can figure it out for example "technological sound", Oh i get it they're literally digitized.

    The fact that you're watching the VMA's while posting this, shows how connected you are and the people in the world are connected to digital. The "digital void", very true even Mr.Manley and Mr.Z started using the internet this year to assign homework. But those hours spent on the internet actually doing your homework, is pretty much the same as spending your time doing homework on paper. But when you're actually on the computer it's more like socialize and do crappy homework. Based on how people just log onto facebook in school, and get half a post.

    I for one do not know of Disney's abuse of the auto tuning. But it literally digitizes people, their own voice is lost in that voice filter. Their given a new voice and Disney probably tells them who to be to make the most profit. So they're given a fake identity and a fake voice....just like facebook/myspace/aim. The digitalization has grown onto real life, so even if you see the person singing you might not know who he actually is.

    What i would say to work on is to organize your thoughts. I feel that this post was a spur of the moment thing, even if it only is initial thoughts you could have done better. Right in the middle of the post you transfer onto the VMA's and jump from topic to topic. I'm not saying that the topics aren't developed for you to move on but there should be at least some kind of transition. And i would have liked to know more about this disney thing, i for one do not listen to anything from disney mainly cause i don't even watch that much T.V and hate artists from disney. Even if it was random i liked it alot, it's who you are and how i would picture you arguing a point.

  3. Props to you for the clarity of this blog. It was very easy for me to identify your key points and examples. And like John said, your writing definitely has a voice- well, your voice. It wasn't like my blog, which went like "blah, blah, blah."

    It seems like you focused on how the "digital void" distorts our voice. The difference in how we speak varies, depending on what we're looking at, whether it's the person's face, and a glowing rectangular box. It also understand that you believe digitalization is taking over our lives, in that it controls our interest/topic of discussions (VMA awards), our love lives ("I have always loved you, from the day we met, but it amounts to very little in this 12 point Times New Roman."), our academics (blogs, Mr. Z's UT website), and the stuff we listen to.

    "I was just upstate this weekend, with no phone and no internet, no cable TV. I felt perfectly fine..."- Yeah, I feel the same way every time I go through a day without using much technology. In fact, I feel a sense of accomplishment... uh oh, is it because of my frame of reference?

    Well, in class, you mentioned that technology has helped certain people hone their skills (e.g. Binta and her photography was the one you mentioned). And in your last paragraph, you talked about Disney "artists" getting by, through auto tune, meaning little or no talent involved--- Do you think that the two counterbalances each other? Or does one over weigh the other?

    I think the whole "digital void" idea will stay in my mind for quite some time. After reading that, my mind keeps associating technology with an abyss. Thanks a lot.

    See you later, my triad buddy. I will look forward to reading and commenting on your future blogs- which reminds me: I should go back to your summer blog and comment on those too.

  4. Okay guys, I'm going to write this comment in one go and address you all individually, rather than do three comments.

    I also don't really enjoy the format provided, being as this kind of structure just invokes people to lie, if only to bring out a better grade. That being said, I can still incorporate the general ideas into this comment.

    I'll go chronologically.

    Esther! Que pasa, konicheeeee-wa?
    I'm glad that my thoughts are making you think about your own thoughts, that I' making you challenge them a bit. Maybe by the time we graduate, I'll have changed your ideas. Thank you for your comment, even though it WAs a little short and seemed obligatory after I threatened to slap you.

    John Li! Thank you for the compliments on my post, I'm glad that you enjoy the puns, they're there for viewer enjoyment. I'll be sure to put more. Other than that, thank you for ponting out my apparent lack of organization. You're right, this was basically a spur of the moment deal, with me just writing as I thought. I guess it's also how I talk sometimes. I'll keep it in mind for future posts. Though, I'll be sure to maintain my voice throughout.

    Hey triad buddy, thank you, I'm very proud of having a voice in my work that people can define. It was a quality I had to develop after some help in sophomore year.

  5. Sorry andy, my comment got cut off. Anyway, I totally agree that it feels like an accomplishment to go for an extended time without electronics. Is it bad for us to consider it an accomplishment? Uh oh. Peace.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hehe, didn't think that by deleting the previous comment would leave a mark? But I just wanted everything onto one comment thingy.

    Yeah, I agree with your criticism on the format. It definitely has some pluses, but I think it should be something to keep in mind, rather than something to be strictly followed.

    "Is it bad for us to consider it an accomplishment?" I don't think it's bad for us, but really says something about our standards, in addition to our perception to what is "good" and what is "bad."
