Monday, May 10, 2010

HW 52

Theories on human relationships.

Thats quite a broad category.

Considering that we see countless amounts of people everyday, some regulars in our lives, some constants, but many, many new and fleeting. Personally, I get on the train every single day and see new people. Remarkably, I see very few familiar faces in my commute, even though I've been making the same commute for 5 years now. There is something odd about that. We are all New Yorkers, and we've seen most of the city, far and wide as it is, and yet we know that there are at least 8 million other people in this city. We all have our regular spots; for me they're union square, my neighborhood, or my friends' neighborhoods.

I know that in human relationships, there is a vast amount of complexities. There are social do's and don'ts, a disturbing variety of ways that things can fuck up.

I think at its most basic level, we all want to be loved. We are selfish creatures at heart, and only seek acceptance and belonging.

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