Monday, January 11, 2010

Cool Paper Outline

Potential thesis: Coolness has, despite generational gaps, remained largely unchanged by the times. The same general ideas of cool that were held 50 years ago are still maintained, and we only see more and more aspects being tacked on to the 'cool' cork board. Examining trends of cool in the past and comparing them alongside views held today, we might be able to get a look at where cool came from, and even where its going.

Argument 1: Back in my day..... Interviews with members of the generation immediately previous to our own, examining their perspective on cool.

Argument 2: Results of independent research conducted into trending topics of times past.

Argument 3: Cross-examining those older ideas with the current ideas.

1 comment:

  1. interesting idea - possible sources - rebel without a cause, a general idea of the function of cool in our larger social performances and enactments of identity, feed (for the future).
